Our Story
Did you know only 9% of investors in the UK have ever worked in a Start-Up?
Hector spoke with Jon & Misha in 2020 about the struggles of getting funding. Many investors have never worked in the field and don’t “get” what you’re building. They had high fees throughout the process for both investors and founders alike. Since then the three partners have strived to deliver high quality deals, maintain a truly useful base of angels and provide support.
Nearly all early stage start-ups fail within the first three years for one reason. Lack of GTM Execution.
Then it was just a case of joining the dots. Founders who needed GTM help and access to fast/quick funding. Investors who wanted education, low fees, low barriers to entry and education along with it. With that, RS was born to meet the demands of the next generation of Founders and Investors.
Revenue Syndicate began when Hector begun investing “micro-tickets” into start-ups in 2015. The barrier to entry was high as most founders would only accept £5,000 - £10,000 to be on their cap table. He did this to get access to investor updates and learn about being a founder before launching his own company.
The best deals are difficult to find and are highly competitive.
After connecting with multiple GTM leaders or the next generation of GTM leaders. Many of them didn’t understand tax implications/benefits, how to invest or the process of investing. Although, they all wanted to participate and support the UK start-up scene.